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May 15, 2024


Hello HVA Neighbors:


April has been a wild and wet month, and it is so nice to see sunshine and warmer temperatures. It is also good to see more neighbors out walking and children on their bikes. This year, more than ever, it seems there are a lot of young children on scooters and bikes, so please drive slowly.


Last year, Tracey and I met with the Chief of Police and discussed ways to improve traffic flow in our neighborhoods. The result was many new “Children at Play” signs and the addition of a stop sign at Uncas and Center streets.


The real estate listings in our association have slowed a bit but we still have a few new neighbors that we look forward to meeting and welcoming this season.  Our goal as an association is to achieve 80% Members in Good Standing (MIGS) with 2024 dues paid.  If you are not already a MIGS, please consider joining our membership by paying your HVA dues.  It is the best value in the neighborhood and supports the maintenance of our beaches, insurance and our many social activities.


We will be having a “Rock Party” at low tide (~11 am) on June 15th where we will ask for your help picking up small rocks and returning them to the jetties. Please plan to join us for a bit of work and an opportunity to socialize.


The town of Clinton has a free disposal area for grasses at the Transfer Station on Nod Rd. They are open on Fridays and Saturdays from 7:30 AM until about 3:15 PM.


The BOD has six positions up for reelection this year:  three 3-year board member terms as well as  three 2-year terms for Secretary, Treasurer and Member Liasson.  Thankfully, most of our BOD members and the officers are willing to serve again.  However, if you are interested in taking on any of the mentioned roles within HVA, please email us at and/or join us at the Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 29th.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all current BOD members and all who give of themselves in serving for the betterment of our community, helping to keep HVA so special.  


We intend to do some work on the beach fences this year and are also investigating other improvements in signage etc.

We are looking for volunteers to help water the plants at the beaches and the lower Hammock green.  Volunteers are needed for August 21st – 30th.  The flowers must remain well watered to add to the beauty of the beaches that we all love.  If you can help for the August dates, please e-mail us at with your availability.


The Social Committee is very excited to announce that, thanks to a very generous donation by our Beach Yoga Instructor Denise, we have secured a Pizza Truck for this year’s Year End Party scheduled for Saturday, August 31st.  We also intend to once again have live music.  More details to come but we hope to see all our members in good standing (MIGS) at this event.


On a personal note, I wanted to let you all know that I had a stroke at the end of last year.  I am progressing well but still have a few hurdles to get through. I will remain as president but ask for your patience should I forget your name. 


Let’s all remember to respect the rules of the beaches and the neighbors who live nearby.

Thanks everyone and let’s all have a great summer at the beach!


Bill Greim

HVA President

President's Message - 2024

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